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Talks from the 2024 Banquet
2024 Dinner Picture Gallery
Gratitude and ExhortationRich Cronin
00:00 / 05:37
New PartnershipDave Vacheresse and Al Kresta
00:00 / 10:52
Mary's AnnunciationBishop Daniel Thomas
00:00 / 09:52
Swearing an Oath to GodFr. John Riccardo
00:00 / 58:06

Dave Vacheresse
Dear Friends and Family of Annunciation Radio,
As we gear up for 2025's Faithful Warriors Banquet, following the wonderful success of 2024's event, I would like to invite all of you to be there to honor Bishop Daniel E. Thomas for his inestimable service to the Church, his entire diocese, our community, and to Annunciation Radio. Please keep us in your prayers and be assured that you are ever in ours. Thank you for your pledge of financial support.
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